Peak Change Order:Siding/Windows/Doors Job #*Customer Name*PhoneEmail Property Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Estimator*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below:*Note: This change order becomes part of and in conformance with the existing contract.WE AGREE hereby to make the change(s) specified above at this price:*Previous Contract Amount*Revised Contract Total*Authorized Signature (Contractor):*Date Completed* MM slash DD slash YYYY Payment Schedule:The Owner agrees to pay the Price for the Change Order upon completion.Method of Payment*CashCredit CardCheck* If a check payment is returned for insufficient funds Owner agrees to pay Contractor a $50 return check fee plus any additional cost or fees incurred by the Contractor.Credit Card NumberName of Cardholder as it appears on credit card:Cardholder SignatureACCEPTED The above prices and specifications of this Change Order are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. All work to be performed under the same terms and conditions as specified in original contract unless otherwise stipulated. I have read, understand, and accept all terms of this agreement.Homeowner:Homeowner Signature:*Signature Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Please Note: By initialing I am providing Peak Roofing Contractors Inc. authorization to run my credit card at the completion of my job.*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.