Peak Roofing Contractors: SIDING LABOR CHECKLIST SIDING LABOR CHECKLIST To be used and updated by each siding project's foreman. Project Foreman*Siding Crew*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY City*Job Name*Job Number*Yard sign* Yes No Materials verified* Yes No Material Discrepancies?*Change Order* Yes No Change Order Paid* Yes No Amount*Notes/Problems/Additional Work Needed/Concerns Regarding MaterialsWork Completed* Yes No Paid* Yes No Materials Left Over* Home Owner Shop LOWE'S JOBS CHANGE ORDERSC/C PAYMENT VERIFICATION CUSTOMER OR FOREMAN*CALL MADE BY: CUSTOMER FOREMAN S/W:*CHECK DROPPED OFF AT STORE:* Yes No CHECK GIVEN TO: LOWE'S EMPLOYEE NAME and/or NUMBER:*MATERIALSSQUARES:*SQTEAROFF: VINYL / WOOD / ALUM / OTHER*SQUARE FEET* Vinyl Wood Aluminum Other If "Other" Please Describe: INSTALL: VINYL / HARDIE / INSUL / BEADED / OTHERSQUARE FEET* Vinyl Hardie Insul Beaded Other If "Other" Please Describe: INSULATION** Yes No TYVEK** Yes No NUMBER OF CHIMNEYS*DOWNSPOUT FOOTAGE: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* FIRRING SQUARES: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* FASCIA WRAP FOOTAGE: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* FASCIA WOOD FOOTAGE: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* RAKE WRAP FOOTAGE: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* BAN/FREIZE WRAP FOOTAGE: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* SOFFIT: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* SOFFIT HOLES: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* BEADED/INVISIVENT FOOTAGE: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* NUMBER OF WINDOW WRAPS: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* BOTTOM CAP FOOTAGE: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* BEAM WRAPS (3 SIDES) FOOTAGE: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* RETURN BOXES: Please add amount, and any necessary notes.* BAY/BOW WINDOWS:* Small Large None NUMBER OF STANDARD DOORS:*#NUMBER OF PATIO DOORS:*#NUMBER OF GARAGE DOORS:* Single Double N/A DORMERS:* Small Large N/A NUMBER OF DOOR SURROUNDS:*#NUMBER OF WINDOW & DOOR HEADERS:*#OUTSIDE CORNER FOOTAGE:*FEETFOOTAGE OF POSTS:*FEETNUMBER OF SHUTTER PAIRS:*# PAIRSJOB NOTESOFFICE USEMaterial Receipts turned in Yes No N/A Change Orders/Signed turned in Yes No N/A Job Closed Out Yes No Dump Ticket turned in Yes No N/A Post Custom FieldNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.